
Tips on Creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed
Inspiration / August 18, 2017

Tips on Creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed

Social media strategy is an essential facet of digital marketing, but not all social networks are created equal. Posting on Instagram requires a careful attention to visual detail that can instantly boost your brand if done correctly. Stay True to Your Visual Identity  …

2016 Resolutions for eCommerce Businesses Success
eCommerce, Holidays, Inspiration / December 29, 2015

2016 Resolutions for eCommerce Businesses Success

2015 was a good year for many eCommerce businesses, but regardless of how prosperous your company was, there’s always room for improvement! With the new year upon us, BLACK + GOLD has come up with five New Year’s resolutions that can help make 2016…

Holiday Tips for the Upcoming Season
Holidays, Inspiration, News / November 24, 2015

Holiday Tips for the Upcoming Season

Thinking about how to make life better during a typically stressful time of year, the BLACK+GOLD staff discussed our personal and business holiday tips. We decided to share them in the hopes they might help others. Remember to be kind to yourself: We have two schools of thought…