
Brand Promotion On Facebook: A Trending Marketing Strategy
eCommerce / February 20, 2019

Brand Promotion On Facebook: A Trending Marketing Strategy

Back when the internet was in its infancy, putting a basic informational website in place was sufficient for your business to have some success. Three, five or even ten years back, a significant number of entrepreneurs had their kid or somebody they knew to…

It’s Back to the Future: The 21st Century Evolution of Retailing
eCommerce, News, Technology / March 9, 2016

It’s Back to the Future: The 21st Century Evolution of Retailing

In early January, Macy’s announced that it plans to close 36 under-performing brick-and-mortar stores this year, laying off 4,500 people in the process. In doing so, Macy’s has joined a long list of other retail chains closing their stores – including Office Depot, Walgreens,…

2016 Resolutions for eCommerce Businesses Success
eCommerce, Holidays, Inspiration / December 29, 2015

2016 Resolutions for eCommerce Businesses Success

2015 was a good year for many eCommerce businesses, but regardless of how prosperous your company was, there’s always room for improvement! With the new year upon us, BLACK + GOLD has come up with five New Year’s resolutions that can help make 2016…

How to Get Your Share of $1.5 Trillion
eCommerce, News, Photography / November 9, 2015

How to Get Your Share of $1.5 Trillion

Last week the Content Marketing Institute reported  “Visual Content Strategy: The new ‘black’ for content marketers.” In essence it is crucial for businesses involved in eCommerce to understand how to use pictures effectively. Why? Because it just might reveal how to get your share…

Jewelry eCommerce that Glitters
Design, eCommerce, Photography, Technology / October 15, 2015

Jewelry eCommerce that Glitters

“The jewelry industry seems poised for a glittering future” according to a recently published report from global consulting giant McKinsey & Company entitled “The Jewelry Industry in 2020.” McKinsey estimates annual global sales of $168 billion are expected to grow at a healthy clip…

The Art + Science of Keywords
Design, eCommerce, News, Photography, Technology / October 7, 2015

The Art + Science of Keywords

Keywords – everyone seems to be talking about them. But what’s the best way to use the art + science of keywords to help build your business? Keywords are usually thought of as an “index term” to help people and search engines find relevant…

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