There’s a lot of content out there in the digital space, and most of it is terrible. This gives anyone with uniquely excellent content a major competitive edge. But if you want to take full advantage of this opportunity, you’re going to have to approach it like a fearless badass.
Badass Content Basics
What is badass content? You know it when you see it. It’s the Instagram feed that’s enviably curated and consistent. It’s the site copy that reads like poetry. It’s hard to do, and that’s why so few brands produce it. To elevate your brand’s content to the highest level, you’ll need to capture these fundamental qualities in your content and know exactly when each element is most appropriate for your goals.
Trailblazers set themselves apart by doing their own thing and never, ever following the leader. Sure, there are some basic rules you’ll need to follow to create successful content, but those rules run mostly in the background. Coming up with your own signature brand voice and style is an essential part of creating exceptional content. Don’t make random listicles and hop onto popular hashtags just for the sake of it. What works for another brand won’t necessarily work for you, so be brave and find your own way to shine.
Don’t go so far in the direction of originality that you start to take on a voice that doesn’t feel natural to what you’re trying to do. Staying true to your brand’s core mission and values is an essential element in creating standout content. It’s like spending time chatting with a person who obviously feels comfortable in their own skin and sure of their place in the world. Those people tend to be the most compelling, the ones you want to sit next to at a dinner party. Be different by being real.
Brands that really understand their audience tend to do the best content marketing. Speaking to some inherent need or persistent emotion can help your audience connect with your message. Call it a “pain point” if you like, but the idea is that content that feels insightful to your audience’s personal experience will be easier to connect with. It’s also quite bold to pick an audience you understand and go for it with no hesitation, and that’s the kind of badass approach that will really set your content apart.
By “inspiring,” we don’t necessarily mean something that’s going to motivate someone to change their lives, travel the world or find true love. Sure, if it’s relevant to what you’re trying to promote, go for it. But content doesn’t have to be completely transformative or lifechanging to be inspiring. Even something relatively low key, like a beautiful set of bangle bracelets, can tap into something aspirational in your audience. It’s all about making your presentation extraordinary.
Of course, that’s not all it takes to take your brand to the next level. Good content creation takes practice. Let BLACK + GOLD show you how it’s done.