Market Trend: Small Businesses Rampant on Instagram, the Hottest Social Media Platform Today
If you thought that social media marketing was only for big businesses, you’re wrong. It’s what drives smaller businesses out of obscurity and into the public eye. Take Narzbaby for example. The home-based business sells baby apparel and accessories made from quality materials that are meant to last.
After launching on Etsy in early 2018, Narzbaby founders, mom Maria, and daughters Ashley and Alyssa, wanted to find a impactful way to share their brand with customers. Being a small business, every marketing dollar counted. The women came to boutique marketing agency Black + Gold for assistance in creating an online strategy using social media and micro influencers to drive sales to their brand.
Creative Photography Helps Customers Relate to Your Brand
Black + Gold Executive Director Elizabeth Waterman and Creative Director Jhon Catano created a tailored strategy to launch the the mom and pop baby brand. Their goal was to create impactful photography for the brand and make use of the micro influencer trend booming on Instagram in the baby apparel market.
First off, Catano managed and art directed a creative photography shoot that yielded assets for the Narzbaby website, Etsy page, and Instagram. The shoot took place at the Black + Gold studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn, and was shot by Mari Juliano and styled by Steven Remington. Making use of broad light and soft styling, the shoot yielded images that were fresh and clean. This fit well with the Narzbaby brand, which prides itself on using many eco-friendly and healthy materials in its production.
Creating a Visual Narrative Helps Customers Relate to Your Brand
The Black + Gold team worked to create a visual narrative of the Narzbaby brand that was relatable and consistent across all platforms. The new images were integrated into a website facelift and Etsy page design. Catano and Waterman created a visual story for the Narzbaby Instagram, involving the family-centric story of Maria, Ashley and Alyssa, as well as the healthy and eco-friendly attributes of the brand. Pulling vintage family photos, integrating clean graphic design, and using the creative product photography, the Black + Gold team created Instagram feed that started to attract major attention. That was were the second phase of the strategy involving micro influencers and collaborators began!

What’s hot for small brands? Explaining Relationships with Micro Influences & Collaborators
Connecting with micro influences and collaborators on Instagram has been a hot new way small brands are getting the word out. Influential people with dedicated followings on social media can be targeted to help generate sales for small businesses like Narzbaby. Brands provide discounts or free products in exchange for exposure on said influencer’s Instagram account. It establishes relationships with people who have a known following and can encourage others to check out a specific product or brand that they are promoting. They’re essentially serving as virtual ambassadors for the companies they choose to work with.
In addition to these micro influencers, small brands are also championing each other on Instagram, especially in certain demographics such as baby apparel and merchandise. These brands often serve similar interests or markets but are not direct competitors. Both benefit from the others exposure. Narzbaby had a successful collaboration with Rykers Heart Heros Foundation that left both brands, and their fans, feeling heartwarmed.

Should your brand consider working with micro influencers and other collaborative brands?
Does your brand get great natural reviews from customers? Do you have loyal fans? If so, you may want to consider professionalizing these relationships and stepping into the world of micro influencers. Each market is different, and its useful to have a professional team on board. To learn more about Black + Gold and what we can do for your business, take a look around our website. Get a feel for how we work and the quality of services we provide. Like Narzbaby, it’s time to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Let us help your brand stand out on Instagram, the hottest platform today!